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Rambler&Co top managers recognized as the best at the Business

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:35 am
by Sabuz111
Setting up an advertising campaign We hasten to disappoint you: you won’t be able to find out all the settings of your competitors’ ads. But you can still find out something – the main characteristics of your competitors’ target audience. What we analyze: gender, age, quality of audience in competitors’ communities on social networks, sometimes some other parameters. Why : To apply these parameters in your targeting settings. How to : Manually – we analyze social networks. You can go around your competitors’ communities on social networks and look at all the subscribers, drawing up a general portrait: how old they are, what gender predominates, what cities they are from, what interests they have, judging by their pages.

The technique is quite long and complicated, but Email Marketing List completely free. Automatically – we parse the audience on social networks. You can gather an active audience from the desired VKontakte communities, for example, using the Pepper.Ninja parser . It includes several tools that gather active audiences and find audiences similar to yours. What to do with the information received OK then. We have a large file with information about competitors. What to do next with it? The general algorithm for its use is as follows. 1. Identify “good” and “bad” ideas and solutions. We put the words in quotes because an idea can only be good or bad for your business. For example, you see that all competitors have a lot of ads for the request “peony roses.”


They are not profitable for your business, or there are no supplies, or you can’t store them properly, etc. In this case, is it necessary to rush to create an RK for peony roses, just because competitors have them? Of course not. 2. Consider the option of adapting “good” ideas to your business. If you find something useful, think about how it can be used in your reality. For example, your competitors have complex, complex email campaigns, but it’s expensive for you to launch the same ones. Then it makes sense to find a simple and affordable service and try the simplest mailing scenarios first, measuring the effectiveness after a month. Convenient Russian services include, for example, Sendsay , Unisender or Milo .