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All staff involved

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:55 am
by Rakhi92
How much you can experiment, how deeply you can understand a topic. In an agency, you are encouraged to be the best expert you can be, you can learn about different industries, and exchange your knowledge with other very smart people. I regret making this change later than I should have!” Justine: “I chose to work in a digital marketing agency for a number of different reasons. First, I studied marketing at university and loved it. But the reason I specifically chose to work in an agency was for the variety of different projects and clients, to feel like every day is different.

I hadn't planned on working specifically in digital marketing, but Web Design and Development Service the world is moving online, and I love the flexibility of being able to work remotely.” Jade: “GA Agency provided me with everything and more. As a team, and working with clients, I've learned that no day is the same. Obviously, as an agency, we strive to achieve the best results for our clients, but one important thing I have learned is that GA ensures that the progress of the agency and is also measured – creating a working environment impeccable.


What would you like to see change in the industry regarding better equality? Francesco: “I would like to see speakers at conferences where everyone is represented. I think the SEO industry (especially in the UK) is making great strides in terms of equality, and I would even go so far as to say that a lot of the most influential people in SEO are women (think Twitter). Likewise, I would like to see more female Heads of SEO.” Jade: “Despite the great fight to abolish gender practices and stigma in advertising, I want the inclusion of those who identify with PR stunts and campaigns. I'm talking about men and women who live with a disability.