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Hook up your “professional four-wheel drive” and sell

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 5:49 am
by Bappy
It is worth the parallel with a vehicle and the request for you to connect your "professional four-wheel drive" and sell . This is not only possible, it is often necessary, especially when the usual performance, however good it may be, cannot overcome complex conditions in the work context. Selling is not easy, no matter how much you have outstanding skills and abilities . On the other hand, there are circumstances in which every effort falls short of achieving some goal. The “final push” is needed, the definitive “sprint”.

When a business interaction stalls and you can't move forward, you need extraordinary energy, special dynamics. This is what the “professional four-wheel drive” connection points to. These are 7 elements that you must consider so that you increase your phone database performance and sell: Band 1.- Sell yourself.- The outstanding athlete is worth much more than a particular sports performance. He cannot be judged solely on what he does on a test, especially if he hasn't performed the best on it. Events come and go, but personal capacity is an asset that remains as long as it is cared for and cultivated. The same applies to the professional seller.


In some cases, you may not be able to complete a transaction despite investing your best efforts. Then it is appropriate to put aside the company, the product, the idea or the solution that is being offered, and sell yourself. Sell ​​your professional history, your achievements, failures, joys and sorrows! Expose the person operating behind the transaction. This not only affects the confidence of the prospect, it also "humanizes" the interaction by conveying a delicate mix of solvency and vulnerability.