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Top Snap Menu Phone Number List

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:41 am
by nabilislam
The top adsorption menu is a common menu in the system. This menu is usually located at a certain position on the page, and then it is directly adsorbed to the top of the page once it disappears from the screen during the scrolling process, so that it can be quickly navigated content under the menu. Phone Number List The author of this article used Axure to share how to make a top adsorption menu, let's take a look. 1. After the production is completed, it should have the following effects. When the page is scrolled to the bottom of the menu, the menu will be adsorbed to the top of the page. Phone Number List When clicking on a menu content, you can quickly scroll to the corresponding module. When the page is scrolled to the top of the menu, the menu will return to the original Location. Prototype address: Preparation of production materials 1.

The menu bar menu includes: icon, text, search box, menu text, search box, and background rectangle. The most important thing is The text of the menu, Phone Number List we can make it with multiple text labels, and fill in the specific menu text. Of course, you can also set up a radio group, set the selection style, and make the lower effect of the selected color change by selecting the interaction of the current component when the mouse is clicked. Other components can be added or deleted according Phone Number List to your specific needs, the style can refer to the following figure. 2. Top page content Place the content to be displayed above the menu, Phone Number List which is generally advertising, introduction or promotion content, and can also be added according to the actual situation. 3. The content below the menu The content below the menu is also placed according to the content that needs to be displayed, but the order should be placed in the order of the menu. After placing, the topmost position of each module is named to facilitate subsequent interaction. In the case, in order to Named 123456 for convenience.


.. Corresponding to menu 1, menu 2, menu 3... 4. The floating menu copies the menu prepared in the first part and turns it into a dynamic panel. The right mouse button can choose to be fixed in the browser, and fixed at the top is 0 location, which is hidden by default. In fact, Phone Number List this step can be copied after we finish writing the interaction in the menu, so that we can write one less interaction. 3. Interactive production 1. Menu content interaction when the mouse is clicked When the mouse clicks the text label of a certain menu content, we use the interaction of scrolling to the component to set the page to the corresponding position. For example, click the first menu and scroll Content 1, earlier we changed the name to 1 at the top element of Content 1. Phone Number ListThe same menu 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 also use the interaction of scrolling to the component, and you can set it to the content 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. In this interaction, we choose vertical scrolling, and we can also increase the animation effect, that is, the scrolling time. The interaction in the floating menu is the same, so we can make a floating menu by copying one after writing this interaction.