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Keyword Research Ghost Mannequin Effect

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:09 am
by naim@
Podcast: Download Subscribe: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify Enter Ghost Mannequin Effect for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Ahrefs. Listen to the podcast to learn more about the giveaway details. Keyword research is still essential in the era of intent-based searches. Keeping track of what customers are searching for helps us understand our users and gives us the ability to create content that matches their needs. Every SEO and content marketing strategy should therefore have a keyword Ghost Mannequin Effect research process in place. In this sponsored episode of Search Engine Nerds, I interviewed Tim Soulo, Product Strategy and Marketing Manager at Ahrefs, about SEO-oriented keyword research and content marketing. Soulo also discusses the importance of competitor analysis and why it's the best place to start when doing keyword research.

writing-vintage-dictionary-definition How to approach keyword research Ghost Mannequin Effect as a whole? Tim Soulo (TS): Regarding the approach to keyword research, I thought there were two types of people who should do keyword research. Advertising Continue reading below On the one hand, we have people who already have some sort of business, some sort of website, and are looking to expand their presence in search results, target more relevant topics, and so on. They already know what they want to write Ghost Mannequin Effect about, what kind of pages and articles they want to have on their site. On the other hand, we have people looking to build a website. They don't know what it's all about, they just know they want to make money, probably with affiliate sales or something. They're basically looking for not just a few keywords to target, but actually a niche target, and research the niche a bit to see what kind of keywords exist and what kind of potential exists.

Brent Csutoras (BC): Most of our listeners are going to know what they Ghost Mannequin Effect want to target, they just don't know how to approach - really picking the right keywords and knowing the difference between what they want and what wants their audience. TS: That's very important, and I think that's kind of the core, the essence of keyword research. It's basically how people are actually looking for what you have out there, like a product or a service, or whatever. This is why we need keyword research tools. Basically, the Ghost Mannequin Effect first keyword research tool people start playing with is the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. It's actually a tool for advertisers, so it's not so good for SEO practitioners.